Transition and Estrogen: Weight Gain isn’t Big Deal


How does estrogen affect individuals in transition? Are the changes that occur during this period normal? Does estrogen cause weight gain? In this article, we will look for answers to questions about estrogen together.

For MTF individuals in transition, estrogen is the most important and most effective hormone in achieving gender identity harmony. Thanks to this hormone, individuals achieve the emergence of their feminine aspects both mentally and physically. This hormone acts like a hero in achieving gender harmony and becoming the targeted person. However, even if it is a little, MTF can sometimes put individuals in negative situations. We hope you will benefit from this article to understand these negativities and find ways to overcome them.

Understanding Transition and Estrogen

It would not be wrong to say that estrogen is actually the chief architect of the gender harmonisation process for transsexual women. Because this hormone is actually one of the reasons why the person is a woman. For this reason, it is possible to say that this hormone therapy is very functional for transsexual women.

Hormone therapies have a large share in the transition process, which is a very sensitive and special time period, especially for MTF individuals. These treatments aim to suppress testosterone and make the estrogen hormone more active and dominant. Hormone therapy creates great results with qualified and experienced doctors.

Complex Duo: Metabolism and Hormones

As we all know, our body needs a certain amount of energy to sustain our lives. In this context, we can say that metabolism is the body’s process of converting food into energy. However, this process works differently in everyone and there are some factors that cause this difference. Genetics, the share of active lifestyle in our lives and hormones are factors that affect metabolism.

Estrogen, the most effective hormone that feminises HRT, is very effective in the body’s fat storage, hunger regulation and energy utilisation. In this process, since the hormone suppresses the testosterone hormone, it slows down the metabolism and the capacity to use energy may decrease. In fact, Estrogen indirectly gives a more feminine appearance during the transition period by creating folds in areas of the body traditionally considered “female”.

Significance: How does estrogen affect the body?

  • Decrease in Metabolic Rate: The first change many transsexual women notice during HRT is a decrease in muscle mass due to an increase in fat storage. The decrease in metabolic rate is the main reason for this.
  • Changes in Fat Distribution: Here is a wonderful and expected change! Thanks to estrogen, subcutaneous fat storage will increase, which tends to be softer and more visible than internal fat. Although this change gives the body the impression of weight gain, it is a beautiful result that gives a feminine appearance.
  • Uncontrollable Appetite: An uncontrollable appetite sounds like a fearful dream, but there is no need to worry as this is actually an indication that hormone therapy is working. Two hormones that regulate hunger, ghrelin and leptin, can interact with estrogen and cause irregularities in this sense.
  • Edema: Another side effect of hormone therapy for MTF individuals is an increase in the amount of water retained in the body. Do not be afraid if you see your weight increasing when you step on the scale, because one of the reasons for this increase may be Edema.

Is HRT the Cause of Weight Gain?

It would not be correct to say that HRT is a direct cause of weight gain. Because hormone therapy does not cause weight gain, but it can create conditions that will cause you to gain weight. In addition, psychological conditions such as anxiety and stress due to going through a sensitive process can also cause weight gain or edema. However, sustainable habits, focusing on the goal and working on self-esteem will help to successfully progress this process.

Stay in Control During the Transition Period: Practical Advices

Gaining weight during this time can be extra nagging and exhausting. You can think of weight gain during HRT as a pothole that suddenly appears in front of you while walking on a goal-orientated path. However, even if this pit scares you at first, it is a pit that can be passed with one step. Therefore, it becomes easy to control weight gain with practical methods.

Here are some practical stress-busting tips for you:

  1. To follow the calorie intake during the day in a controlled manner without overdoing it,
  2. Prioritise a protein-based diet,
  3. Do exercises regularly and according to your expectations, especially with the help of a professional,
  4. Prevent hunger crises by eating regularly and healthily,
  5. Seek support from specialists or take up hobbies to manage stress and worries,
  6. Being patient and making self-compassion a priority during the HRT process are very effective methods to make this process easy and functional.

Knowing these things can give you peace of mind

  1. Weight changes during HRT are normal and common.
  2. It is not wrong or an offence to gain weight during this period. However, minor changes may be needed to control weight gain.
  3. Remember that you are more than the number on the scale.

Enjoy Your Journey: Health First

body acceptance

Weight gain is a negative situation for many people and disrupts the body-psyche relationship. It can also trigger feelings of dysphoria or dissatisfaction, especially for trans women who are in the HRT period and in transition. Although all these negativities make weight gain seem like a fearful dream, in fact, weight gain is not our enemy.

Although weight gain may be frightening at first, it is an important situation in terms of being an indicator that the treatment is working. Estrogen is working hard in your body and is about to transform you into the person you actually want to be. When we look at it from this perspective, it becomes clearer in our minds that health and finding yourself is the primary goal rather than weight gain and physical appearance. Seeing weight gain not as an enemy to be fought, but as a symptom that is easy to resolve and for which treatment is effective, relieves anxiety.

Remember that you are more than the number on the scale and your image in the mirror, and that it is not enough to describe your worth. is a website that believes that femininity is a colorful universe. Here, you won’t find rigid definitions or worn-out stereotypes about femininity. Instead, we celebrate a vibrant spectrum with all the complexity, power and joy of being “it”. Every day, we dive into the multifaceted world of femininity. We explore topics such as inner strength, creative expression, conscious living and global perspectives. We also embrace LGBT+ and transgender people and show them different ways of being feminine. We are here to empower you to embrace your femininity, own your own story and blossom into the best version of yourself. Welcome to Feminizator. Welcome to yourself.
