Rise of Feminine Energy: Feminine and Courageous stance on the MTF journey

femininen energy

There is no doubt that your feminine energy gives you the first signals you need to start your MTF journey. Feminine energy, the most popular concept of recent times, is frequently expressed by trans women and cis women in their daily lives. This causes an increasing interest and curiosity in it.

So what is feminine energy?

In its simplest definition, feminine energy refers to the spiritual power that focuses more on emotions, compassion and introspection. Contrary to popular belief, it is hidden in the invisible rather than the visible. In other words, we can say that the source of attitudes and behaviours is the inner spirit.

Although it is perceived as a condition specific only to women due to its name, in fact, each individual has feminine and masculine energy at the same time in different proportions. In order to understand the situation better, let’s better understand feminine and masculine energy and discover ways to increase your feminine and shine together.

Differences between Feminine Energy and Masculine Energy

  • Feminine energy is more associated with emotions, while masculine energy is associated with intelligence.
  • Masculine energy represents qualities such as analytical thinking, logic-oriented, active and leadership. Feminine energy, on the other hand, is more emotionally orientated, has emotional thinking and is more passive.
  • Masculine energy represents movement and speed, while feminine energy represents slower and less movement.
  • Masculine energy provides the impetus to take on new things, to struggle and to achieve goals. Feminine energy is the driving force for being highly aware and empathetic.
  • People with high masculine energy tend to set clear goals and work hard to achieve them. Individuals with high feminine energy are usually sensitive to the feelings of others, loving, insightful and creative.

How Do We Understand Masculine and Feminine Energy in Ourselves?

As we mentioned before, every individual has feminine and masculine energy. Among these energies, masculine energy manifests itself with features such as instinct of protection, reaching the goal, directing the society. In the way the feminine energy functions on the body, it stands out with its features such as high intuitiveness, emotionality, creativity, high empathy and harmony with the flow of life
By considering our emotions and attitudes in our daily lives, we can more easily understand how our feminine and masculine energy balance is. In other words, we need to hold the mirror both to ourselves and to our actions.

Transgender women’s journey of reasserting themselves: Feminine Energy

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Trans women draw the greatest strength in the MTF process from their feminine energy. Perhaps the first impetus to take action comes from this wonderful energy. Feminine, which comes from within and is reflected in behaviours, also increases its importance as a supportive element for MTF individuals to bring their gender identities together with their bodies. But is it possible to reflect this spirit more outwardly?

Is it possible to look more feminine by using feminine energy?

Trans women can increase their self-confidence by increasing their feminine. Here are ways to look more feminine by emphasising your feminine energy even more:

  • Feminine energy has its source in your spiritual aspects rather than in the physical world. It is therefore important to be able to monitor and understand inner feelings and thought states. In this way, by working on the missing aspects of feminine energy, you increase feminine.
  • Develop your empathy skills and try to empathise with other people often. Empathy is one of the driving forces for the increase of feminine.
  • Find the lifestyle that best reflects your feminine energy and leave your body in the arms of your feminine. Listen to your body’s wishes.
  • Improve yourself and do not neglect your self-care. Self-care is everything in this way.
  • Various meditation, chakra and yoga exercises are important body and soul exercises to nourish the feminine. Get support from professionals in this regard.
  • It is now a proven fact that feminine scents have a positive effect on feminine. So use feminine fragrances and essences that nourish feminine.
  • Use your body as a window of your feminine with your clothing style, hairstyle and plastic surgeries and reflect it to the outside.

The above-mentioned recommendations go beyond simple energy work to help us achieve a higher quality of life. Thanks to a better quality of life, we can increase our self-confidence and re-adapt to our daily life during and after Mtf. Remember that your expectations come first in the whole process. Individuals who are at peace with themselves naturally have feminine energy. What matters is your happiness and your expectations from life. Feminine energy can only be a guiding light for you at this point.

Feminizator.com is a website that believes that femininity is a colorful universe. Here, you won’t find rigid definitions or worn-out stereotypes about femininity. Instead, we celebrate a vibrant spectrum with all the complexity, power and joy of being “it”. Every day, we dive into the multifaceted world of femininity. We explore topics such as inner strength, creative expression, conscious living and global perspectives. We also embrace LGBT+ and transgender people and show them different ways of being feminine. We are here to empower you to embrace your femininity, own your own story and blossom into the best version of yourself. Welcome to Feminizator. Welcome to yourself.
