Body Language Guide: 10 Ways to Look More Feminine

body language

To look feminine, that’s all we want. What if I tell you that there is a cheaper and easier way to look feminine! Yes, the way to look more feminine at zero cost is definitely to use body language correctly.
We use our body language quite often in our daily lives, albeit unwittingly. This language, which is mostly directed by our subconscious mind, gives important clues about our emotions, thoughts, in short, about us. Psychologists now agree that the use of this technic is very effective on the people we communicate with. It is the most important tool to convey everything we cannot speak or to reflect ourselves to the outside.

The Science of Body Language: What is Body Language?

Body language is the movements that we cannot hide in our daily lives, which we often do without realising it, lasting a moment or longer. In this respect, we can call it the magic and invisible way of communication. During mutual communication, our mind makes some predictions with the body language of the other person and defines the other person as angry, happy, friendly or distant by looking at the body language. We start to act according to the signals we receive from the other person. The fact that this whole process works without us even realising it is really extraordinary and wonderful.

With this powerful aspect of body language, we have the luxury of reflecting ourselves to other people in the way we want in our daily lives.

How to use body language to appear more feminine?

As mentioned above, it is possible to project ourselves as we wish in this form of communication. If we master the rules of body language, it is absolutely inexpensive and easy to look more feminine. Here are 10 ways to look more feminine in body language:

1.Head Tilts

A bow of the head often shows in body language that we are interested in the other person and that you are listening to them with interest. For example, if we bow our head when talking to a man, we can signal to him that we are listening to him and that we are controllable by him. This can also be used as a good flirting technique at the beginning of a relationship. In addition, a bow of the head can give us an elegant air as a soft gesture.
A bow of the head can sometimes also be read as a sign of submission. Although we may not mean it, men or other people in authority can read this signal in this way.

2. Smiling

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One of the most effective ways to look feminine is with sincere smiles. Warm smiles make people perceived by others as maternal, caring and warm-blooded. By using this body language, we show that we are open to communication with the other party. A sincere smile will reveal the elegance and warmth of femininity in our body.

3.Eye contact

Eyes are undoubtedly our silent words. Eye contact is perhaps the simplest way to convey our feelings and thoughts that we cannot express. Prolonged and careful glances give us a confident and attractive air. Looking directly into the eyes of the person we are interested in gives us a feminine air and encourages the other person to communicate.

4.Hand Gestures

Smoother and more graceful hand gestures, rather than moving the whole arm, are often perceived as more polite and feminine. Women are more courageous than men in sharing their feelings and thoughts. Women often use hand gestures to support verbal communication. This is due to their feminine instincts. We can focus on our hand gestures as a way to appear feminine.

5.Walking Style

The way we walk carries important communication signals that help other people form an opinion about us. For example, we walk faster when we are in a hurry.
This is important not only for due diligence, but also for distinguishing between masculinity and femininity. Women usually make every movement in a more polite and less space-consuming way. The trick to make us look more feminine at this point is an elegant way of walking that focuses on taking up less space. We can have a feminine air by keeping our feet closer together and trying to walk with less use of our shoulders. However, practice is essential for a more feminine gait.

6.Sitting Posture

The way of sitting, which is an important body language used for person analysis in interviews, gives the other person an idea about us. The secret to a confident and feminine appearance is to find the right sitting position to reflect us. For a more feminine look, sitting with breasts protruding outwards and showing our neck can help us.
We should avoid sitting with legs spread, we can sit by keeping our knees close together. In this way, we will have a more elegant and attractive posture.


Nodding often conveys maternity, femininity and compassion, as it is often used to affirm the other person or to encourage further communication. Femininity is often on the supportive side. Nodding more often and encouraging the other person to communicate gives us a more feminine and friendly vibe.
When supported by cute and elegant facial expressions, this gesture can also become a great flirting technique.

8.Height and Space

Women move in a way that takes up less space in their daily lives and adjust their body posture accordingly. Avoiding exaggerated and rude movements, a narrower stance will give us the feminine look we want, and will make us perceived more delicate and elegant.

9.Pacifying Gestures

When we are stressed or bored, our brain sends some signals to our body. Women usually transfer these signals by touching their hair, jewellery, neck and arms. When we feel stressed and anxious, touching our hair, jewellery and neck can give us a feminine air.

10.Handshake Strength

The handshake, especially during the first acquaintance, gives important clues about us and others. A strong handshake is a sign of control and self-confidence. While men prefer this type of handshake more, women prefer a lighter and uncertain handshake. A light and soft handshake will give us a feminine air.

There are countless ways to look feminine, but all these methods are both cost-effective and easy. In the MTF process, it is also the most important channel to reflect the gender identities felt by individuals who prefer FFS.

Mastering body language is a blessing both in controlling and conveying ourselves as we want and in understanding the other person. Books, online trainings and experts can be consulted for the training of this communication method. is a website that believes that femininity is a colorful universe. Here, you won’t find rigid definitions or worn-out stereotypes about femininity. Instead, we celebrate a vibrant spectrum with all the complexity, power and joy of being “it”. Every day, we dive into the multifaceted world of femininity. We explore topics such as inner strength, creative expression, conscious living and global perspectives. We also embrace LGBT+ and transgender people and show them different ways of being feminine. We are here to empower you to embrace your femininity, own your own story and blossom into the best version of yourself. Welcome to Feminizator. Welcome to yourself.
