Being feminine and girly can be easier than you think. It is definitely possible to bring out that feminine light that is already naturally inside you.

If you believe that you have a natural femininity inside you, sooner or later this instinct will come out. However, it may require support or effort at times. No matter which gender the body belongs to, looking feminine can bring happiness. We want you to know that these feelings are perfectly normal and natural. And they are in fact the characteristics that make you who you are.
Dear reader, you may feel that a part of you is female and you want to fit in. This should not sound scary to you. Although femininity or having feminine energy is associated with weakness, it is actually a sign of strength, elegance and beauty.
What Does It Mean to Be Feminine?
When an individual is feminine, he or she is predisposed to typical female behavior, dress and mannerisms. Being feminine also implies a state of mind, a set of values and a way of life. We would like to remind you that being feminine is not a defect. By embracing your femininity, you can become more feminine and impress others with your softest self.
Here are 10 tips to bring out the femininity in you!
1. Free Your Mind
First of all, put aside the traditional gender norms of society. Although the social order is based on these norms, everyone’s story is different and unique. Don’t let gender identity norms guide the light that comes from within you. Live yourself, not a lie. If you feel that you are feminine, don’t let that feeling go and get to know yourself and your expectations.
2. Act Strong but Vulnerable
Femininity is instinctively receptive and wants to be protected. In addition to a strong identity that stands on its feet, asking for help from others when necessary feeds the feminine energy. This makes it possible to appear more feminine. In short, being vulnerable does not mean being weak. Break down your walls and connect with others.
3. Allow yourself to be Complimented and Helped
Be open to receiving compliments from others. If someone holds the door open for you, they are trying to be nice to you. Respond in a polite and level-headed way, without thinking of it as weakness. Avoid rude and exaggerated behavior.
4. Pay Attention to Self-Care
Pay attention to your physical and bodily needs. Take care of your skin and body. Looking healthy, fresh and vibrant is a very feminine quality. Prioritize your nails, body hygiene and oral care.
Self-care is not only about the body. Personal development is also an important part of self-care. Value yourself and take care of yourself. Take a good look at what makes you happy and what are your favorite things. Reading, yoga, dancing… Prioritize activities that make you happy.
5. Don’t Be Afraid to Wear Makeup
We are aware; you are beautiful without makeup. But it is also very valuable to enhance natural beauty and femininity. We are not talking about heavy makeup here. We are talking about touches called natural makeup that will reveal your femininity and beauty.
The important thing here is to find the right makeup style for your face and style. The essentials in your makeup bag are as follows: natural mineral powder, mascara, bronzer, and lip gloss.
6. Experience New Things
Feminine energy is inherently curious and innovative. Try to get out of your routines. Put aside your prejudice against differences and embrace what life brings. Try activities you haven’t done before, food you haven’t eaten and places you haven’t been.
If you want to connect with the feminine side of yourself, you have to be open to new things. For example, if you are more sporty, try something completely opposite. Turn to activities that bring your emotional side to the fore: writing, singing, painting…
7. Don’t Be Afraid to Dress Like a Woman
If you want everyone to notice your femininity, what you wear will help you do that. Keep your wardrobe away from masculine pieces that hide lines. Allocate more space for feminine clothes such as crops and heels. Wear more skirts, dresses and figure-flattering clothes.
Also, add red, white and pink tones to your wardrobe. These colors are among the leading colors that reveal feminine energy.
8. Explore Different Clothing Styles
High heels may seem uncomfortable and intimidating, but they are an extremely effective accessory to transform into a feminine and sexy woman. Also, use different pieces to complement your style and complement your style with feminine jewelry. Don’t be afraid to try new styles; diversity plays an important role in your self-discovery.
9. Show Your Elegance in Conversations
If you think you are feminine, elegance comes naturally. To bring out your feminine side in social situations, add polite expressions to your sentences and words. Avoid slang, vulgar and abusive words and behaviors.
10. Remember That Your Own Expectations Come First
This last rule is actually the foundation of the other 9 rules. Build your femininity on the foundations of your own expectations. Focus on what is meaningful to you, your desires and needs, and work on yourself. Show your feelings bravely and own them. Because you are the whole of you.
Go Beyond Being Feminine and Get to Know Yourself

No matter who you are, if you feel like being feminine, just be feminine. It is your right to go with the flow and live with the version of yourself that makes you happiest. Life is a long and breathless marathon and we are all busy discovering ourselves. Our desires, expectations and characters are important elements that shape our lives. At this point, it is no joke to get to know yourself, to listen to what is inside you and to postpone the body’s desires. So as soon as possible, we need to take action, live as who we are and enjoy life. is a website that believes that femininity is a colorful universe. Here, you won’t find rigid definitions or worn-out stereotypes about femininity. Instead, we celebrate a vibrant spectrum with all the complexity, power and joy of being “it”. Every day, we dive into the multifaceted world of femininity. We explore topics such as inner strength, creative expression, conscious living and global perspectives. We also embrace LGBT+ and transgender people and show them different ways of being feminine. We are here to empower you to embrace your femininity, own your own story and blossom into the best version of yourself. Welcome to Feminizator. Welcome to yourself.