The Best Feminization Hypnosis Programs: A Review and Comparison

Are you looking for a way to transform your mind and body into a more feminine version of yourself? Do you want to feel more confident, attractive, and comfortable in your own skin? If so, you might be interested in trying out some of the best feminization hypnosis programs available online.

Feminization hypnosis is a form of self-hypnosis that aims to help you achieve your desired feminine traits and characteristics. It can help you with various aspects of your MTF transition, such as:

  • Reducing or eliminating unwanted masculine habits and behaviors
  • Enhancing your feminine voice, posture, gestures, and mannerisms
  • Developing a more feminine mindset and personality
  • Increasing your self-esteem and self-love as a woman
  • Boosting your sexual arousal and pleasure as a woman
  • Creating a stronger connection with your inner female essence

But how does hypnosis work? And what are the benefits of using it for feminization? In this post, we will answer these questions and review some of the most popular feminization hypnosis programs online, such as Mind Mistress, Hypnotic Beauty, and Feminization Secrets. We will also compare their features, prices, and customer reviews to help you decide which one is the best for you.

How Does Hypnosis Work?

Hypnosis is a state of altered consciousness that allows you to access your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind is the part of your mind that controls your habits, emotions, beliefs, memories, and automatic responses. It is also the part of your mind that stores your gender identity and expression.

By using hypnosis, you can communicate with your subconscious mind and influence it to make positive changes in your life. You can do this by listening to hypnotic suggestions, which are statements or commands that tell your subconscious mind what you want to achieve or how you want to feel.

For example, if you want to feel more feminine, you can listen to hypnotic suggestions like:

  • I am a beautiful and confident woman
  • I love my feminine body and voice
  • I enjoy expressing my femininity in every way
  • I attract men who appreciate and respect me as a woman

These suggestions will help you create new neural pathways in your brain that support your feminine identity and expression. They will also help you overwrite any negative or limiting beliefs that might be holding you back from being your true self.

What Are the Benefits of Hypnosis for Feminization?

Hypnosis can offer many benefits for feminization, such as:

  • It is safe and natural. You don’t need to take any drugs or hormones to use hypnosis. You only need to relax and listen to the hypnotic audio files.
  • It is effective and fast. Hypnosis can help you achieve noticeable results in a short period of time. You can start feeling more feminine after just one session.
  • It is affordable and convenient. You don’t need to spend a lot of money or time to use hypnosis. You can do it at home, at your own pace, and whenever you want.
  • It is enjoyable and relaxing. Hypnosis can help you reduce stress and anxiety, improve your mood and sleep quality, and increase your happiness and well-being.

What Are the Best Feminization Hypnosis Programs Online?

There are many feminization hypnosis programs online, but not all of them are created equal. Some of them are more professional, comprehensive, and reliable than others. To help you choose the best one for you, we have reviewed and compared three of the most popular ones: Mind Mistress, Hypnotic Beauty, and Feminization Secrets.

Mind Mistress

Mind Mistress is one of the oldest and most famous feminization hypnosis programs online. It was created by Linda Johnson, a certified hypnotist and transgender woman who has been helping people with their gender issues since 1996.

Mind Mistress offers over 200 hypnotic audio files that cover various topics related to feminization, such as:

  • Feminine conditioning
  • Feminine behavior
  • Feminine voice
  • Feminine appearance
  • Feminine sexuality
  • Feminine relationships

The audio files are divided into four levels: beginner, intermediate, advanced, and expert. Each level has different goals and challenges for you to complete. You can choose the level that suits your needs and preferences.

Mind Mistress also offers personalized sessions with Linda Johnson via phone or Skype. These sessions are tailored to your specific goals and issues. You can also ask Linda any questions or concerns you might have about feminization or hypnosis.

The price of Mind Mistress is $29 per month for unlimited access to all the audio files. The price of personalized sessions varies depending on the length and frequency of the sessions.

The customer reviews of Mind Mistress are mostly positive. Many customers praise Linda’s voice, skills, and experience as a hypnotist. They also report feeling more feminine, confident, and happy after using her program.

However, some customers complain about the quality of the audio files, which are sometimes low or distorted. They also complain about the lack of updates and new content on the website.

Hypnotic Beauty

Hypnotic Beauty is another popular feminization hypnosis program online. It was created by Cheetu Jaisinghani, a certified hypnotist and NLP coach and author of several books on hypnosis and self-improvement.

Hypnotic Beauty offers over 100 hypnotic audio files that cover various topics related to feminization, such as:

  • Feminine mindset
  • Feminine voice
  • Feminine body
  • Feminine beauty
  • Feminine charm
  • Feminine seduction

The audio files are divided into three categories: basic, advanced, and premium. Each category has different features and benefits for you to enjoy. You can choose the category that suits your budget and expectations.

Hypnotic Beauty also offers personalized sessions with Cheetu Jaisinghani via email or Skype. These sessions are customized to your specific needs and desires. You can also get access to Cheetu’s private Facebook group, where you can interact with other customers and get support and feedback.

The price of Hypnotic Beauty is $47 for the basic category, $97 for the advanced category, and $197 for the premium category. The price of personalized sessions depends on the number and duration of the sessions.

The customer reviews of Hypnotic Beauty are mostly positive. Many customers compliment Cheetu’s voice, style, and expertise as a hypnotist. They also report feeling more feminine, beautiful, and confident after using his program.

However, some customers complain about the lack of variety and depth in the audio files, which are sometimes repetitive or superficial. They also complain about the high price and the hard sell tactics on the website.

Feminization Secrets

Feminization Secrets is a newer feminization hypnosis program online. It was created by Jessica Taylor, a transgender woman and a former hypnotherapy student who has been experimenting with feminization hypnosis for herself and her friends.

Feminization Secrets offers over 50 hypnotic audio files that cover various topics related to feminization, such as:

  • Feminine identity
  • Feminine emotions
  • Feminine appearance
  • Feminine sexuality
  • Feminine empowerment

The audio files are divided into two types: induction and session. The induction type is a short audio file that helps you enter a deep state of hypnosis. The session type is a longer audio file that delivers the hypnotic suggestions for feminization. You can mix and match the induction and session types according to your preference.

Feminization Secrets also offers personalized sessions with Jessica Taylor via email or Skype. These sessions are designed to address your specific challenges and goals. You can also join Jessica’s newsletter, where you can get tips and tricks on feminization and hypnosis.

The price of Feminization Secrets is $37 for unlimited access to all the audio files. The price of personalized sessions varies depending on the availability and demand of Jessica.

The customer reviews of Feminization Secrets are mostly positive. Many customers praise Jessica’s voice, passion, and authenticity as a hypnotist. They also report feeling more feminine, authentic, and empowered after using her program.

However, some customers complain about the quality of the website, which is sometimes slow or buggy. They also complain about the lack of customer service and support on the website.

Which One Is the Best for You?

As you can see, each feminization hypnosis program has its own strengths and weaknesses. The best one for you depends on your personal preferences, goals, and budget.

To help you decide, here are some questions you can ask yourself:

  • What are your main reasons for wanting to use feminization hypnosis?
  • What are your specific feminization goals and challenges?
  • How much time and money are you willing to invest in feminization hypnosis?
  • How do you learn best? Do you prefer listening, reading, or watching?
  • How do you feel about the voice, style, and personality of the hypnotist?
  • How do you feel about the content, quality, and variety of the audio files?
  • How do you feel about the website, customer service, and support of the program?

By answering these questions, you can narrow down your options and choose the one that suits you best.


Feminization hypnosis is a powerful tool that can help you achieve your feminine dreams. It can help you change your mind and body in a safe, natural, and effective way.

However, not all feminization hypnosis programs are equal. Some are better than others in terms of features, prices, and reviews.

In this post, we have reviewed and compared three of the best feminization hypnosis programs online: Mind Mistress, Hypnotic Beauty, and Feminization Secrets. We have also given you some tips on how to choose the best one for you.

We hope this post has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.

Thank you for reading!

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