Do MFF Hormones Change Your Face?


One of the most curious issues during gender transition is how hormone therapy affects facial features. Hormone therapy during MTF (Male to Female) transition can cause many physical changes in the body. One of these is changes in facial structure. Under the influence of estrogen and anti-androgen hormones, facial features may become more feminine over time. However, this process can have different consequences for everyone. In this article, we will discuss the effects of MTF hormones on the face, how long these changes can be seen, and how feminization surgeries and hormone therapy can be used together.

Do MFF Hormones Change Your Face?

  1. What is MTF Hormone Therapy?
    MTF hormone therapy is the process of supplementing estrogen hormone by reducing testosterone levels in the body. This treatment aims to create feminine changes in the body structure and appearance of individuals. Estrogen is the female sex hormone and MTF leads to changes such as breast development, softening of the skin, redistribution of body fat. So, what changes occur in the facial area?
  2. Effects of Hormone Therapy on the Face
    MTF hormones can directly and indirectly cause some changes in your facial features. However, these changes may take time to become visible. Here are the main effects of hormone therapy on the face:

2.1. Distribution of Facial Fat

One of the most important effects of hormone therapy on the face is the change in fat distribution. With a decrease in testosterone and an increase in estrogen, your facial features may start to look softer and rounder. Masculine facial features become more defined and sharp, while estrogen helps them to become smoother and rounder. This can lead to increased fullness in the cheeks and an overall more feminine appearance of the face.

2.2. Softening and Thinning of the Skin

MTF hormones also create marked changes in the structure of your skin. Estrogen makes the skin softer and thinner. While testosterone usually causes the skin to be thicker and oily, estrogen can make it smoother and more delicate. These changes make the overall appearance of the face more feminine and can contribute to the reduction of fine wrinkles.

2.3. Hair Growth and Reduced Beard Growth

MTF hormone therapy can also help reduce facial hair. Estrogen and anti-androgen treatments lead to a reduction of masculine hair, such as beards and moustaches. However, it is often difficult to achieve their complete disappearance and additional treatments such as laser hair removal may be required. Reduced beard growth contributes to a smoother and more feminine appearance of the face.

  1. How long does it take to see the effects of hormone therapy?
    The effects of MTF hormone therapy may vary from person to person and these changes may take time to appear. Generally, it may take 6 months to 2 years for the changes in facial features to be fully noticeable. The earlier hormone therapy is started, the more effective the results can be. However, age, genetic factors and initial hormone levels can also affect this process.
  2. Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) and Hormone Therapy
    Although hormone therapy can create significant changes in facial features, some individuals resort to facial feminization surgery for faster and more permanent results. Facial feminization surgery (FFS) involves surgical interventions to restore a feminine appearance to facial structures such as the chin, forehead, nose and cheekbones. These surgeries complement the changes brought about by hormone therapy.

Facial feminization surgeries can be performed independently of hormone therapy and are often considered part of the transition process. However, it may be a healthier approach to see the changes created by hormone therapy and to make the decision about surgery after these changes. This way, you can more clearly assess whether surgery is needed or not.

  1. Psychological Effects of Hormone Therapy
    In addition to the physical changes, the psychological effects of hormone therapy are also very important. MTF individuals may feel more comfortable and harmonious with the changes they experience in their bodies and faces with hormone therapy. Facial features becoming more feminine can increase their self-confidence and make them feel more at peace with their gender identity.

However, emotional fluctuations may occur during this process. It is important to be patient and to manage this process with a specialist, especially as the effects of hormone therapy unfold over time. Seeking psychological support can help you cope with both the physical and emotional aspects of transition.

  1. Conclusion: How MTF Hormones Change Your Face
    MTF hormone therapy can produce significant changes in facial contours. Effects such as changing fat distribution, softening of the skin and hair reduction help the face to gain a more feminine appearance. However, it would not be correct to expect a major change in bone structure. Facial feminization surgeries may be an effective option for individuals who desire more significant changes in bone structure.

Hormone therapy may produce different results at different speeds for each individual. It is important to be patient, get support from specialists and stay psychologically strong during this process. Achieving an appearance where you can express yourself better will increase your self-confidence and allow you to reflect your identity more comfortably.